Traditional Medicine is very successful at triage and acute care. Chronic dis-ease requires peeling back all the layers that got us to this place of dis-ease. It’s unique for each person. Coaching is key to keeping you motivated and on track. The two can complement each other nicely.
Food can be medicine or poison – depending on what you choose. I do not believe there is an ideal diet for every person. There is however a perfect diet for you. It just takes a little investigation to figure it out.
Life Style Upgrades Things like hydration and sleep may seem simple but it can be their simplicity that makes them challenging. I have found that life style changes can be the most powerful catalyst to wellness.
Diagnostic testing There are many insights that can be gathered from your annual blood labs when they are viewed through a functional medicine lens. Traditional practitioners are looking for the absence of disease. Functional medicine is looking for markers of optimal health. Functional medicine identifies disease dynamics before they turn into full-blown disease. I work with your physician to bring you the best of both modalities. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Supplementation Although I prefer to get nutrients from food there are some instances where short-term supplementation can be beneficial to get you back on track.